We realize that finding effective and appropriate addiction treatment can be an overwhelming and confusing process.  Therefore, we have listed the following resources that provide the type of quality addiction care that we would feel comfortable recommending.

Detox and Residential:


Mutual-help Groups:image002

Narcotics Anonymous

Call the Connecticut Region of Narcotics Anonymous Statewide phone line. (800) 627-3543 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Mutual-help Groups for the Relatives, Friends and Loved Ones of Alcoholics:


If you have found this Website while in crisis and are considering self-harm, please click on and contact these resources below, or call your local emergency access number immediately.

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24-hour Crisis and Emergency Consultation:
(203) 483-2630

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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)